SPECgpc – Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation – Benchmarks

Another very useful benchmark software, with a free non commercial use version.

“The Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation (SPEC) is a non-profit corporation formed to establish, maintain and endorse standardized benchmarks and tools to evaluate performance and energy efficiency for the newest generation of computing systems. SPEC develops benchmark suites and also reviews and publishes submitted results from our member organizations and other benchmark licensees.”

Some versions require you to have Maya, 3DS Max installed. The version l use is below. 17Gb –  Click here to download it.

I will post my results soon.

Note – the download is 17Gb and this takes a while to install, and this extracts to about 60Gb as shown below.

Ready to run this!



Click here for the full result as a PDF file.

I will update/compare this when l do eventually get an RTX  3080 GPU

Results from a Lenovo P72 Workstation Laptop


Results from an Alienware A17 R5 Workstation Laptop
