Paypal customer service really sucks…

Second time l tried via Paypal customer service to close my account.

Background. Early last year after some unpleasant customer support as per an item l purchased using paypal for payment and never received the item from a vendor located in china, which l tried unsuccessfully to get a full refund for.

After a long Better Business Bureau exchange, l was only granted 1/2 the fullt paid amount. I decided l was done with Paypal. , l decided to close my paypal individual account. Just to make sure no further charges or transactions occur on my paypal account, which has my home and bank information verified, l deleted my bank information on my paypal profile.

Problem later arose trying to simply get the account closed, get the refund amount granted to me by paypal simply sent by snail mail/check – my preference, using their system options.

Below is a transcript of the 2nd attempt to close the account and related screenshots.

Click here for the PDF document in which l saved my screenshots. This document was also shared with Paypal Customer Service.

Chat transcript. I had the same similar chat late last year as l tried unsuccessfully to have the account balance mailed to me by check so l could close the account.


12:21 PM Thursday Feb 24th 2022

– Sandeep

Hi, I tried to do this once before and your system did not allow me to accept the money and select withdraw funds by check. Is the system now working to allow this, since l do not want to enter my bank information again into paypal. I do not see the issue with simply mailing me the check to my address which is in your system.

“to accept the money”

12:32 PM

I see that you don’t have a confirmed bank account linked to your PayPal account.

Before you withdraw money by check, you must confirm an address or become Verified by adding and confirming a bank account. You can confirm your address and request a check immediately by clicking Add an Address.
Here’s how to withdraw money from your PayPal Balance account by check:
Click Transfer Money below your PayPal balance.

Click Request a check by mail.

Enter the amount and click Next.

Follow the next steps.

Your check should arrive within 5 to 10 business days.

12:48 PM

– Sandeep

Hi, Sandeep. You arent telling me something that addresses my request My address had been verified by paypl. My bank account has previously been verified by paypal. I chose to remove my bank information. What is baffling to me is why the paypal system on accepting money and having it sent by check keeps referring me back to an account. How hard is it for a system to send you the balance by check which is by mail which l have an address on your system?

12:52 PM

Your file has been uploaded.

Paypal_by_check.pdf / 0.09

You should have confirmed address and also confirmed bank linked to your account to get the funds sent via check.

There is no active bank linked to your account right now, I request you to link a bank first and later on try to withdraw funds by check.

12:57 PM

– Sandeep

See attached

I am NOT trying to withdraw funds by check. I am trying to have paypal send the balance on my account by POSTAL MAIL to my ADDRESS One does not need a bank information for a check to be mailed to someones address!!

12:59 PM

Yes, you are right! The funds will be mailed to your address once you link your bank and confirm address.

As you have removed the bank from your account we are unable to validate it from our end. Once after getting the check, you can later on remove the bank from the account.

1:02 PM

– Sandeep

What does my mailing addresss, my home address where a check will be mailed to, have to do with a bank account re-verification?

1:03 PM

=================== At this point, I simply shook my head and gave up, as of now ========================